The Health Betterment Initiative, former known as Hepatitis B Initiative of Washington, D.C. (HBI) is an award winning 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides health screenings, hepatitis B vaccinations, linkages to care, and other hepatitis B, C, and HIV resources to the community, especially among Asian American Pacific Islanders, African immigrants, and other high-risk groups in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area who are low-income or have no health care coverage. Social Capital Solutions, Inc. provided strategic planning, program development, board development, and fund development services for HBI from 2013 to 2024, transforming it from a volunteer-based community organization in DC to a sustainable multi-jurisdictional organization with an annual operating budget of over $1 million that serves residents in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. For more information about HBI, visit: hbi-dc.org.
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