The National Task Force on Hepatitis B is a physician-led not for profit coalition with the mission “to eliminate hepatitis B and hepatitis B related liver disease and liver cancer in the United States by empowering and mobilizing communities, enabling national networking and policy development, and by advocating for education and access to comprehensive care and affordable treatment for all Asian and Pacific Islander Americans.” Social Capital Solutions, Inc. has been providing administrative management, consulting, coordination of monthly interactive teleconferences, as well as event planning for trainings and annual conferences for the National Task Force on Hepatitis B since 2014. For more information, visit: www.hepbtaskforce.org.
What Our Client Says
“I see first-hand the excellent work that Social Capital Solutions has done, and continues to do, to ensure that the National Task Force thrives and succeeds, and to ensure that their grant milestones are executed in a timely and effective manner.”
National Task Force on Hepatitis B
“Social Capital Solutions re-invigorated the Task Force, instituted policies and protocols to streamline and improve membership and leadership, and secured a number of highly impactful grants. They also manage the grants, to ensure that milestones are met in a timely manner – they conduct all grant management and grant reporting.”
National Task Force on Hepatitis B